Our priests
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Our priests

Priest Piotr Guzy - our parson.
Born January 31, 1957 in Nakło Śląskie (Gliwice diocese), took holy orders April 19, 1984 in Katowice.
He is the parson in Chełm since 2000.

Priest Michał Lepich - our curate.
Born August 26, 1972, took holy orders May 10, 1997 in Katowice.

 Priest Paweł Buchta
born October 26, 1946 in Chełm Śląski, takes holy orders April 08, 1971 in Katowice.

 Priest Jan Buchta
born Fabruary 04, 1949 in Chełm Śląski, takes holy orders April 19, 1973 in Katowice.

 Priest Józef Szklorz
born March 23, 1956 in Imielin, takes holy orders March 31, 1983 in Katowice.

 Priest Bernard Drozd
born November 27, 1958 in Chełm Śląski, takes holy orders April 19, 1984 in Katowice. Retire.

Our parish is famous for vocations. Here are the list of priests related to Chełm Śląski...
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During the centuries there were many masters of our parish - here are the short presentation of them...
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Many of curates worked in our parish - here are their short profiles...
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